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Birdman, Birdman7, MFBirdman7 : 1976 - 2023

Re: Birdman, Birdman7, MFBirdman7 : 1976 - 2023

by Iusedtolurk » Mon May 27, 2024 9:07 am

Wow Just finding out this sad info about Birdman and I had to say something. I used to lurk around MF for a long time before I finally joined back in 2018. Never paid attention to my credit but got on a rebuilding credit road and Birdman7 had posts all over the place with fantastic information, He and I posted back and forth on many things as I learned more and more about credit.

About a year ago once I noticed he was not posting as usual and also a few other people I made a post inquiring thinking he and a couple others were taking a break from MF. Never did I imagine that we had lost him in a tragic accident.

When seeing this info today I felt a great lost as though I had lost a great friend and mentor and I guess in reality I have. It's amazing how someone you never met in person can make such an impact on you. I always envisioned him as an older guy maybe in his late 70's or older so I was surprised to learn he was so young. RIP Birdman7.

Re: Birdman, Birdman7, MFBirdman7 : 1976 - 2023

by AmbitiousKTN1 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:00 pm


I know I’m late but I haven’t been active thru Reddit or creditrebels at all. Just want to say I’m very thankful for Birdman.. We’ve messaged back and forth about my credit score and starting my delivery business. To me, he was a father figure/mentor and a person I wanted to meet in person one day. He often told me he was dealing with recent health issues because I noticed he wasn’t messaging me as much, but I always wished him well. Unfortunate for the sad news because he was a good person and a person who did many things for many others, excluding myself… Fly High, Birdman! Thank you for everything.

Re: Birdman, Birdman7, MFBirdman7 : 1976 - 2023

by Cassie » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:02 pm

CHAM504 wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:38 am He inspired me to start a non-profit ish course for military new recruits that get transplanted to our city. They get taken advantage of because of their high ability to get approved. It excited him and that excited myself......
He definitely had a way of conveying enthusiasm! I miss it. It's nice to hear that he inspired others. If it wasn't for him, I would never have explored starting a forum. I think of him all the time when I'm writing code for this site.

Re: Birdman, Birdman7, MFBirdman7 : 1976 - 2023

by CHAM504 » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:38 am

I got a little worried as I've been away at least a year. I saw he didn't comment for a while and right before I messaged him I knew I couldn't be lazy and not check here before sending off are you ok? I came here and I was right but for all the wrong wrong reasons......

I thought it was going to something health wise but it breaks my heart into a million pieces to know it was car accident. As an insurance agent this is probably the hardest of all the deaths and he wasn't a client. A friend in deed though.

His knowledge on our field brought us together and the first articles that must be read before here led to us talking many nights for a decent amount and time. He inspired me to start a non-profit ish course for military new recruits that get transplanted to our city. They get taken advantage of because of their high ability to get approved.

It excited him and that excited myself......

What I will remember was his initial statements of how him and the community had pulled together soooo much data that with what is here. That all you need to do is read and you'll find everything you could ever want. It would live long after him. He was right. His dream was for this to be around for a long time to give freedom and literacy to ppl.

It's heart wrenching but it's also funny that he was right.......

Re: Condolences

by Have1 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:49 am

I have been absent for a long while and came back today to be greeted by this very sad news. This bothers me more than I can really communicate.

Birdman was a very special person who I only knew through text on a computer screen. But he was larger than life. Everywhere he had a presence people appreciated his willingness to share his knowledge and thinking. He was always willing to help. I hope his family and friends are healing and are comforted by how valued he was by so many people.

Re: Condolences

by lyTENciL » Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:21 am

I am so incredibly sad to find out about Birdman’s passing. I stumbled on this forum for the first time today and saw the banner. My deepest condolences to Birdman’s family.

I’m a sporadic participant at MF. I was most active in 2019-2020, when I was just learning the basics. Birdman was far and away the standout contributor. He was unparalleled in his knowledge and dedication to reverse engineering the algorithms. He was so kind, gracious, humble, the polar opposite of combative. You just don’t encounter people like him online.

I was there when a FICO employee did an AMA, and it was hilarious how advanced and technical our questions were, waaay beyond what this person was prepared to answer. Even though I didn’t think the AMA guy had been that helpful, Birdman was genuinely grateful and focused on the successes. Over the years, I’ve referred many folks to the MF forums. I knew Birdman would be there to set people straight, to go as deep in the weeds as anyone was willing. I’m sad to realize that the past few months, those folks haven’t gotten to talk to Birdman. But they get to benefit from his tireless work nonetheless.

It may seem a strange little hobby of ours, but my finance journey was the start of a new life for me. It all began with MF and the guidance I got there. Thank you to Birdman, Cassie, BBS, and all the many MFers who keep giving back.

Re: Condolences

by Anthonye79 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:07 pm

Hello Everyone I'm Anthony and I'm new to the group.Sorry about your lost as well my condolences 🙏

Re: Condolences

by Fruition » Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:36 pm

Wow this really hurts. Birdman is the reason I know everything I know. The true definition of an angel. He reached out to me after I asked a question & it was obvious he was a sea of knowledge. He was always patient & took the time to get back to me no matter how dumb I felt the question was. He gave me confidence! Can't lie, this really hurts. We need more people like Birdman in the world & I hope we can all learn something from this legend.
RIP BIRDMAN! There's no doubt in mind that your in a better place! PEACE!

Re: Condolences

by Kreditory » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:47 pm

My regards to all that lost a friend.

May we all find some small way to match his contribution, be it here, or in kind.

Re: Condolences

by AJC » Mon Jun 26, 2023 7:24 pm

GApeachy wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:32 pm
AJC wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:06 am when MF was the best place to be credit wise AJC
Hi AJC, miss you!
Hey 🍑 y miss ya too! Found this place largely due to you and the sad news you brought about Birdman at MF. Seems to be a cool place from what I can see. Stay peachy 8-)

Re: Condolences

by GApeachy » Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:32 pm

AJC wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:06 am when MF was the best place to be credit wise AJC
Hi AJC, miss you!

Re: Condolences

by AJC » Mon Jun 26, 2023 11:06 am

My condolences to Birdmans family 🙏. Remember him being a cool dude on MF when MF was the best place to be credit wise and enjoyable. RIP Fly high buddy 🐦 🐦⬛ 🦜 🦚 🪶 🦢 AJC

Re: Condolences

by Thymble » Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:49 pm

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to read of his passing. He seemed to be such a fine person. We once had a debate on the myfico forums, and it was such a pleasant debate. He knew how to discuss and inform without being confrontational and derogatory. I will miss him. My prayers go out to his family. 🙏🙏🙏

Re: Condolences

by n00bacabra » Fri Jun 23, 2023 8:34 am

Not member on this forum but Birdman's Primers on reddit were my first introduction to him. His advice helped me improve my credit over 100 points and has significantly impacted my financial health. It now feels insignificant compared to his loss, but hopefully a number of people share stories about how much he helped them - he made a difference to many people.

I greatly appreciate Birdman's contributions and kindness when I interacted with him. What a sad turn of events. My condolences to the family and everyone who knew him, in real life or online.

Re: Condolences

by IrritatedAvians » Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:37 am

Aw man. I’m sad to see this. Birdman and his credit scoring primer has basically taught me everything I know about credit. I wish his credit scoring primer was mandatory reading in school. His writings and guidance have been invaluable in helping me rebuild my credit after BK. Will we ever get the scoring primer 2.0 he had been working on?

Thanks for always taking the time to answer noob questions and always wanting to teach people as much as you could, u/MFBirdman7 Even though many of us have never met you in person, you touched many lives in a positive way and you’ll be missed by many.

Fly free brother.

Re: Condolences

by onanon » Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:07 pm

I first came to know of Birdman, I guess a few days before his passing, and only just learned of his untimely passing now. I feel a deep sadness, surprising for how limited our personal interaction was. We had an interaction on Reddit (he answered a question of mine) and through that, reading his CSP work, and looking into his past comments on Reddit, the outstanding qualities of his character were apparent. It’s rare to encounter a genuinely gracious person in anonymous online spaces. Just reading his CSP has imparted so much knowledge, whatever financial success I encounter in the future will feel, in part, due to his kind work. Whether it’s a mortgage or an award vacation, I’ll think of him and raise a glass in honor. I’ll never know much about him personally but I’ll always be grateful for his grand generosity.

May his memory be a blessing to his family and all the lives he improved.