Hopefully we can learn some things from what just happened to me. My EQ8 is now 822 (April 14), up from 793 (April 3). That's a 29 point gain. According to Experian's CreditWorks, I've lost the "Few accounts paid on time" negative reason code. scores.png Since my previous pull was from April 3, I don't see how this could be an aging metric. Here's the changes I can spot on my credit report: 1) I closed the first SSL from PenFed that they botched (gave me a 10 month term instead of 10 years). 2) My two revolvers, and the two SSLs seem to have updated some payment info. So between these two seemingly minor changes, I gained 29 points. The two SSLs and the Apple Card were all opened in January of this year, so maybe they just hit a threshold on number of payments to remove that negative reason code for me? In the name of science, I've attached redacted copies of my Equifax credit report from both AnnualCreditReport, and Experian CreditWorks. Pulls from both April 3rd and April 14th are attached. See next post for attachements. Edit: Previous discussions on my file are in these two threads: https://www.creditrebels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=12054 https://www.creditrebels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=12426 What's strange here is that I still have a 60 day late on Equifax and an 822 score seems very high for what should be a dirty file.

Re: Equifax +29 point mystery

33 of 34
2 years ago
Fri May 27, 2022 3:10 pm
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Primer AuthorCo-Founder
Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes Next Level in15 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes ago
beets18 wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 12:25 pm
Birdman wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 11:41 am @beets18 So it doesn’t say Dispute closed? Notice the wording on the other two that says disputes after resolution. Hmmm
Yes, unfortunately since I didn't do the disputing, I can't say exactly what was done by Lexington Law. I wanted to clean up the remarks on these accounts, but was going to wait until all the lates dropped first. Maybe I should try before hand for science. I'll have to look up the process for calling EQ to remove remarks.
Birdman wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 11:41 am OK when the algorithm looks for delinquencies, it does not look at that payment grid, it is meaningless. it’s for your viewing pleasure. you have to go look at the text fields for highest delinquency, payment status, and current status. Tell me what they say for Citibank on EQ.
On the report from ACR, I can only seem to find the current status field, and not highest delinquency or payment status. Here's the screenshots for the two accounts in case I'm missing it: eq-boa.png eq-citi.png
@beets18 OK I had the names mixed up. Payment status is the highest delinquency, current shows the current, I forgot Date Updated.. I had to go to the Primer and pull it, here’s an excerpt: ‘Payment Status shows the highest level of delinquency that has ever occurred on the account ([pays-as-agreed]-30-CO), Current Status shows the current status, whether [open/closed,] 'CO', 'paid', or 'paid, settled for less,' and Date Updated is obvious.’ Since yours is not a chargeoff, payment status should note the 30 day or 60 day, but maybe not if it was removed or still in dispute, it says paid as agreed as if there was no delinquency. Current status should show open, closed, (or paid, etc.., if CO), and date updated of course is the last time they updated and when the algorithm thinks it was delinquent until and therefore penalizes you through that date. From the looks of the BOA, it appears it is still in dispute on EQ and that may be why it is not causing you to be in a dirty card. Version 9 may have been updated to still see an account in dispute and therefore still give you the multiple delinquencies code across accounts code? Hmmm. Interesting. That’s my theory. If you wanna know how to remove the comments, go to the penultimate section of the CSP, and in the links is one for removing comments for a mortgage, it will tell the process. If it’s removed out of dispute, it could cause a score drop, as you move to a dirty card in 8 & likely 9. Your payment status does not seem to show a 60 day late. This could be because the header only looks at the past two years? I’d like you to pull a report from Equifax directly and let’s see what it looks like. Current status I don’t see. Date updated is 21. Sometimes they have different labels on different reports but I’m using the actual names used by the algorithm and Metro2 format I think. They label it I guess where they think it’s more convenient and understandable supposedly? Do you see your current status on open accounts? It would say open? Also look at it from any other report you may have through mf or credit.com I’m sorry I got mixed up between accounts. I have bolded my edits above and I’m adding the following: BOA is the one that appears to be in dispute at Equifax and is the account that would make you dirty. Forgive my memory but the 60 day Lates on BOA do or do not exist at TransUnion and Experian? And then you said you have 30 day Lates on all three bureaus from Citibank, but didn’t you say something was removed from Trans Union? I’m sorry I’m here paying attention. I wrote a long response and lost it and then got mixed up. But looking at the right report you should see one that says open/closed you should see another that says paid as agreed/30/60. Edited a couple times I think I’ve got it right lol. Sorry @beets18
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  • Score data EQ8-827; TU8-817; EX8-816
    EQ5-751; TI4- 800; EX2-814

Re: Equifax +29 point mystery

34 of 34
2 years ago
Sun May 29, 2022 8:11 pm
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Primer AuthorCo-Founder
Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes Next Level in15 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes ago
@beets18 I got mixed up reread the above post please. I apologize for my confusion.
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  • Score data EQ8-827; TU8-817; EX8-816
    EQ5-751; TI4- 800; EX2-814