Hi. I signed a purchase contract on a new-build townhome in September 2021. Due to COVID, material and labor shortages, and typical delays inherent with new home construction in general, the Certificate of Occupancy (COO) I need to Close Escrow (COE) has been bumped several times, with a realistic and anticipated COO/COE this coming June 2022. FHA was not an option given the price of the home, and though the market is rapidly cooling down, the FMV of this new home is approx. $140K above my purchase price. After a horrible and contentious divorce (with kids) that took 3 years, I was able to file a Chap. 7 BK on October 16, 2018, successfully discharged on February 1, 2019 (3yr 3mo ago). With a thin credit file, and the Chap. 7 BK, I researched and found one lender willing to grant me an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) exception to the normal 4 year look-back period for a conventional Fannie Mae loan. I have a long time, stable job with a large salary, and little to no debt given the Chap. 7 BK, so relatively low DTI at the moment. My EC conventional lender (the only one I found after many inquires/applications, requires a 700 middle score (had that in Jan. 2022, but not ATM), and 6 months of reserves (I have, along with 5% down payment and unknown re: closing costs given skyrocketing rates) My first post BK credit was a secured credit card (Alaska CU) with a $2,500 limit opened Feb. 26, 2021 (good standing), followed by a high interest installment car loan (Copper State CU) opened June 11, 2021 (good standing, orig. loan amount $24,457, reporting $20,886 balance, new balance to report 5-29-22 of $19,680, which will be approx. 80% util. or pay down). Starting September 2021 mortgage ficos were: EQ5 695, TU4 674, and EX2 674. Given my thin credit file, and not wanting to start an age of newest account, my mom added me as an AU on a Nov. 1982 opened Chase Freedom CC w/ a $20,000 limit. I started Experian Boost and tried (rent, tele and other utilities reporting apps like E-Credible) to squeeze in any extra new points any where. I got pretty decent bump at this time: October 19, 2021: EQ5 697, TU4 707, and EX2 695. Because my post BK credit file was still pretty thin (2 CCs and 1 installment loan), my mom added me to a second, great CC as an AU, or an Aug. 1987 Discover CC $13,500 limit). In addition to this extra AU card, and using the AZEO method ($0 on Chase AU, $0 on Discover AU, and $64 on AKA Secured CC in my name, representing 3% utli. on that card), my middle mortgage score was 701 (EX2) on: Jan. 6, 2022: EQ5 702, TU4 699, and EX2 701. No idea why TU4 has dropped so much, but I'm stopping the utilities reporting apart from Experian Boost, because they likely do not help mortgage ficos. My mortgage scores are now as follows with the following CC reported amounts that given lag, different report dates: May 13, 2022: EQ5 699, TU4 69, and EX2 701 ($0 on Chase AU, $22 on Discover AU w/ 0% user interface util., and $20 on AKA Secured CC in my name, with 1% util. reporting as to EX). I bought a EQ and TU CR from MyFico a few days later after the AU cards had balances on them, resulting in no changes, possibly due to the different AU vs. cards in my name reporting algos: May 18, 2022: EQ5 699, TU 697, and EX2 (701) - ( $981 on Chase AU, 5% util., $22 on Discover AU w/ 0% user interface util., and $20 on AKA Secured CC in my name, with 1% util.). Generally, I have 8 inquiries reporting on EQ and Tu, and 10 on EX. I have approx. 10-12 Baddies (approx. 11, 60 day late pays and BK) on all 3 CRs. Generally/approximately: Oldest account: 29yr, 8mo (AU Chase Freedom CC) Average Age of Accounts (wide variance) EQ 8yr 5mo, TU 7yr 7mo, and EX 8yr 3mo Newest recently opened account: 11 months (car loan) Time since most recent late pay: EQ & EX 3yr 7mo, TU says 3yr 5mo I think the Hard Pull credit pull from January 2022 is the main factor in the slight drop in my middle FICO from EX2 701 to my present frustrating EQ5 699. My plan is two fold: (1) recreate the exact AZEO ratio I had in January in early June via rapid rescore or otherwise (0 on two AUs, and 3% on personal secured AKA CU CC); and (2) add two more AU CCs with long, great payment histories (Chase, 15K limit, about 20 years old, stmt. date approx. June 2, & AMEX CC w/ 7,500 limit open since 2015) by early June. The two new AU cards will report zero balances. I don't have the funds to pay down my car loan to below 9% I have two inquires that should be 12 months old in June (relating to car financing), so hopefully the negative impact of those 2 hard inquires if any will subside, and the age of my newest account should tick to 12 months old in June (Copper State CU). I can't try any credit repairs, etc. given my time crunch, and the fact that I can't have any disputes showing when my lender pulls my final 3B tri-merge after I get my middle up to 700 or above in early June, if I have any luck. Any advice or help would be appreciated more than you know. Thanks very much.

Dirty Scorecard (BK and Late Pays) and DPs for Point Increase

1 of 4
2 years ago
Fri May 20, 2022 5:57 pm
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jmdatty has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level32 Last INQFriday, January 7, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes Next Level in20 days, 11 hours, and 3 minutes on October 7th INQ 1yr onSaturday, January 7, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSunday, January 7, 2024 INQ 2yr reached8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago
Hi. I signed a purchase contract on a new-build townhome in September 2021. Due to COVID, material and labor shortages, and typical delays inherent with new home construction in general, the Certificate of Occupancy (COO) I need to Close Escrow (COE) has been bumped several times, with a realistic and anticipated COO/COE this coming June 2022. FHA was not an option given the price of the home, and though the market is rapidly cooling down, the FMV of this new home is approx. $140K above my purchase price.

After a horrible and contentious divorce (with kids) that took 3 years, I was able to file a Chap. 7 BK on October 16, 2018, successfully discharged on February 1, 2019 (3yr 3mo ago). With a thin credit file, and the Chap. 7 BK, I researched and found one lender willing to grant me an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) exception to the normal 4 year look-back period for a conventional Fannie Mae loan. I have a long time, stable job with a large salary, and little to no debt given the Chap. 7 BK, so relatively low DTI at the moment. My EC conventional lender (the only one I found after many inquires/applications, requires a 700 middle score (had that in Jan. 2022, but not ATM), and 6 months of reserves (I have, along with 5% down payment and unknown re: closing costs given skyrocketing rates)

My first post BK credit was a secured credit card (Alaska CU) with a $2,500 limit opened Feb. 26, 2021 (good standing), followed by a high interest installment car loan (Copper State CU) opened June 11, 2021 (good standing, orig. loan amount $24,457, reporting $20,886 balance, new balance to report 5-29-22 of $19,680, which will be approx. 80% util. or pay down).

Starting September 2021 mortgage ficos were: EQ5 695, TU4 674, and EX2 674.

Given my thin credit file, and not wanting to start an age of newest account, my mom added me as an AU on a Nov. 1982 opened Chase Freedom CC w/ a $20,000 limit. I started Experian Boost and tried (rent, tele and other utilities reporting apps like E-Credible) to squeeze in any extra new points any where. I got pretty decent bump at this time:

October 19, 2021: EQ5 697, TU4 707, and EX2 695.

Because my post BK credit file was still pretty thin (2 CCs and 1 installment loan), my mom added me to a second, great CC as an AU, or an Aug. 1987 Discover CC $13,500 limit). In addition to this extra AU card, and using the AZEO method ($0 on Chase AU, $0 on Discover AU, and $64 on AKA Secured CC in my name, representing 3% utli. on that card), my middle mortgage score was 701 (EX2) on:

Jan. 6, 2022: EQ5 702, TU4 699, and EX2 701.

No idea why TU4 has dropped so much, but I'm stopping the utilities reporting apart from Experian Boost, because they likely do not help mortgage ficos. My mortgage scores are now as follows with the following CC reported amounts that given lag, different report dates:

May 13, 2022: EQ5 699, TU4 69, and EX2 701 ($0 on Chase AU, $22 on Discover AU w/ 0% user
interface util., and $20 on AKA Secured CC in my name, with 1% util. reporting as to EX).

I bought a EQ and TU CR from MyFico a few days later after the AU cards had balances on them, resulting in no changes, possibly due to the different AU vs. cards in my name reporting algos:

May 18, 2022: EQ5 699, TU 697, and EX2 (701) - ( $981 on Chase AU, 5% util., $22 on Discover AU w/
0% user interface util., and $20 on AKA Secured CC in my name, with 1% util.).

Generally, I have 8 inquiries reporting on EQ and Tu, and 10 on EX.

I have approx. 10-12 Baddies (approx. 11, 60 day late pays and BK) on all 3 CRs. Generally/approximately:

Oldest account: 29yr, 8mo (AU Chase Freedom CC)
Average Age of Accounts (wide variance) EQ 8yr 5mo, TU 7yr 7mo, and EX 8yr 3mo
Newest recently opened account: 11 months (car loan)
Time since most recent late pay: EQ & EX 3yr 7mo, TU says 3yr 5mo

I think the Hard Pull credit pull from January 2022 is the main factor in the slight drop in my middle FICO from EX2 701 to my present frustrating EQ5 699.

My plan is two fold: (1) recreate the exact AZEO ratio I had in January in early June via rapid rescore or otherwise (0 on two AUs, and 3% on personal secured AKA CU CC); and (2) add two more AU CCs with long, great payment histories (Chase, 15K limit, about 20 years old, stmt. date approx. June 2, & AMEX CC w/ 7,500 limit open since 2015) by early June. The two new AU cards will report zero balances. I don't have the funds to pay down my car loan to below 9%

I have two inquires that should be 12 months old in June (relating to car financing), so hopefully the negative impact of those 2 hard inquires if any will subside, and the age of my newest account should tick to 12 months old in June (Copper State CU).

I can't try any credit repairs, etc. given my time crunch, and the fact that I can't have any disputes showing when my lender pulls my final 3B tri-merge after I get my middle up to 700 or above in early June, if I have any luck. Any advice or help would be appreciated more than you know. Thanks very much.
User avatar
  • Score data EQ8: 683 / TU8: 657 / EX8: 706
    Mortgage: EQ5 699, TU4 697, EX2 701

Re: Dirty Scorecard (BK and Late Pays) and DPs for Point Increase

2 of 4
2 years ago
Fri May 20, 2022 10:51 pm
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LaHossBoss has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level33 Last INQThursday, December 9, 2021 Gardening For2 years, 9 months, 7 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes Next Level in22 days, 11 hours, and 3 minutes on October 9th INQ 1yr onFriday, December 9, 2022 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 9 months, 7 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, December 9, 2023 INQ 2yr reached9 months, 7 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago
Hello and welcome!

I was just curious, has the lender corroborated these mortgage scores?

I only ask because to my knowledge, the lender may require that you remove yourself from the AU accounts prior to proceeding with the mortgage app. Exceptions happen and it may vary depending on the bank, but you have a very limited scope for that, as you already mentioned - you can only work with this 1 bank. Did they recommend this course of action to bring your scores up to the 700 mark for your MMS?
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  • Score data EQ 8: 690 9: 655 5: 668 TU 8: 704 9: 658 4: 719 EX 8: 729 9: 642 2: 746

Re: Dirty Scorecard (BK and Late Pays) and DPs for Point Increase

3 of 4
2 years ago
Sun May 22, 2022 2:09 pm
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jmdatty has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level32 Last INQFriday, January 7, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes Next Level in20 days, 11 hours, and 3 minutes on October 7th INQ 1yr onSaturday, January 7, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSunday, January 7, 2024 INQ 2yr reached8 months, 9 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago
Hi and thanks for the reply LaHossBoss. Yes, my lender and the company my mortgage broker uses (CISCO Credit) for mortgage tri-merge CR pulls and scoring, corroborated the mortgage FICOS I've been getting via MyFico and Credit.com. They've always matched to the exact point.

When I started last fall, my mortgage broker and CISCO indicated it would take a year or two to get my mortgage FICOs above 700, which I happened to do rather quickly in January 2022 via the two new AU CCs in the name of my parents, and the almost perfect AZEO I had on them at the time. My mortgage broker was aware of the AU strategy, and the UW almost certainly had to have been as well, given that the AU status was clearly reflected in the CRS and that January 2022 tri-merge mortgage CR was fed into the Fannie Mae DU approval system. And even though they have not asked about the AUs specifically, I use them and pay my parents the money spent just in case.

The CISCO credit scoring advice didn't offer tips like the AUs, but has always been limited to CC utilization %'s. This past week, CISCO and my mortgage broker's only vague advice was to see if I get the single point I need on EQ5 by just having June roll around, via another month of age/time.

They didn't advice a particular balance or a ratio of balances on my 3 existing cards, nor did they delve into the theory of whether a credit file like mine has two possible sets of AZEO ratios of AU cards and individual BCs, likely because I only have the one secured AKA CU CC in my name. And given the many hard pull mortgage inquiries I had last year by, yes finding the one lender willing to work with my on an EC conventional loan despite my Chap. 7 BK, I can't make my "seeking credit" negative remarks worse by say getting two BlueSky secured, no hard inquiry CCs, as that would tank my scores with the newest account being brand new.

That's why I'm trying the two new AUs that will increase overall age, and limits, as a hail marry. I mean it worked last fall, big time.
User avatar
  • Score data EQ8: 683 / TU8: 657 / EX8: 706
    Mortgage: EQ5 699, TU4 697, EX2 701

Re: Dirty Scorecard (BK and Late Pays) and DPs for Point Increase

4 of 4
2 years ago
Mon May 30, 2022 1:34 am
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Primer AuthorCo-Founder
Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 14 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes Next Level in15 days, 11 hours, and 3 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 14 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 14 days, 12 hours, and 57 minutes ago
@jmdatty sorry I just noticed this. Listen to me. You only want a balance on one of those bankcards, <4.5%. Not 2. The mortgage scores do not see any difference between AU cards and primary cards. And the mortgage scores do not care about your loan balance being under 10% either so don’t sweat that. Yes if you could add two more cards with zero dollar balances that would be great. But if you will only report one bankcard with a balance, I bet you get a couple points! If you’re only one point away, you will get that! The mortgage scores are very sensitive to AWB. Welcome!
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  • Score data EQ8-827; TU8-817; EX8-816
    EQ5-751; TI4- 800; EX2-814