I had a temporary aggregate balance of $2,110 reporting today, and didn't lose a single point on VS3 - still 770 . 3 of my 4 cards have closed and reported so far. This is up from $1,851 last month. That's 5% aggregate (5.08% of $41,500 total credit limit), which is +1% from last month. My AMEX BCE is always the last to close & report every month, and it will be reporting a much lower balance this month, which will bring my final aggregate balance for the month down to $1,451 across 4 open cards. That's 3.496% of $41,500, and you can bet the farm that will report and be scored as 3% for FICO scoring and VS3. Actual total balance across 4 cards if including cents - which credit scoring doesn't use - is $1,452.51. That's 3.500%, which would be a solid 4% for credit scoring.

Re: $2,110 reporting with no score loss

17 of 17
3 years ago
Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:04 am
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Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
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@Cassie I screwed that one up yeah I was just wondering if it would be different with a lesser number of AWB maybe even 2?
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