Hey Folks :) Looking for another balance transfer card since I have some BTC 0% debt about to expire (and my NFCU 0.99% offer just ended). I have around $53K in credit card debt and around $138K total credit line to work with. My current FICO 8 scores are: EXP: 699 TU: 708 EQ: 732 These should all improve if I can ever get some of these banks to report that I paid down some of the balances and have way higher credit lines (gotten several CLI that have not been reported). I should be around 38% aggregate credit card utilization after all this gets reported Paid down off around 64% of my personal loans (about $11K left in personal loan debt) but I've paid off several other car loans before so I have a good history of always paying my debt. Also waiting on this being updates. 1#: I would like to go for an Equifax card since I got the best score with them. I've head Discover pulls EQ if you go through pre-qualificaiton?? True?? I can't get PenFed as they seemed to always ask for POI (already tried), and its too difficult since I get good chunk of my income via personal biz #2: How do you get this pre-qual discover offer?? Link?? or somehow do something to get them to send you an offer in mail?? #3. Can you get a 3rd discover card?? Hisotry: I got my second discover card about 13 months ago (didn't go through pre-qual on second card and I think they pulled experian which gave me a really low starting limit, only $3K which didnt help much.). The first discover card I think I got an offer in mail and I got a pretty nice starting limit and they have been prob my favorite card of my entire life as I'm always getting CLI approved (already $23K ) and they've been soooooo freaking amazing. Just looovvve :romance-heartbeating: :romance-heartbeating: discover!!! I also dont have a AMEX card YET so might try for that. #4 which do bureau do you think AMEX would pull in NorCAL?? Any guesses on what sort of AMEX credit line I could get?? My partner and I have pretty high income (we both pull in over 250 together) so DTI shouldn't be necessarily a deal breaker. I also have a very good relationship with NFCU so I'm thinking they may approve me for 3rd visa card ??? I have done their 0.99% 1 year balance transfers before that are nice because they have no transfer fees. #5: Do you "Guess" NFCU would give me a good starting limit (I already checked the prequal and I could get a third platinum card). #6 Also looking at TD bank credit card, any good for high starting limit?? #7 HSBC pulls EQ in Cali, any good?? #8 Assuming I could get 3 cards, what order should I apply for these cards in....1st, 2nd, 3rd?? Yeah, know I need to pay this crap off...been working on this for years but I don't have the money yet...slowly paying it off. Hopefully this will be last year. Thanks for being amazing ya' all.... really appreciate your help :text-bravo:

3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

1 of 9
5 months ago
Fri May 03, 2024 3:33 am
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Seasoned RebelNeed BTC card
NoMoneyNoHoney has passed the 12 month threshold!
No scorable inquiries on file!
Level20 Last INQSunday, January 1, 2023 Gardening For1 year, 8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in14 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on October 1st INQ 1yr onMonday, January 1, 2024 INQ 1yr reached8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes ago INQ 2yr onWednesday, January 1, 2025 INQ 2yr in3 months, 15 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
Hey Folks :) Looking for another balance transfer card since I have some BTC 0% debt about to expire (and my NFCU 0.99% offer just ended). I have around $53K in credit card debt and around $138K total credit line to work with. My current FICO 8 scores are: EXP: 699 TU: 708 EQ: 732 These should all improve if I can ever get some of these banks to report that I paid down some of the balances and have way higher credit lines (gotten several CLI that have not been reported). I should be around 38% aggregate credit card utilization after all this gets reported Paid down off around 64% of my personal loans (about $11K left in personal loan debt) but I've paid off several other car loans before so I have a good history of always paying my debt. Also waiting on this being updates. 1#: I would like to go for an Equifax card since I got the best score with them. I've head Discover pulls EQ if you go through pre-qualificaiton?? True?? I can't get PenFed as they seemed to always ask for POI (already tried), and its too difficult since I get good chunk of my income via personal biz #2: How do you get this pre-qual discover offer?? Link?? or somehow do something to get them to send you an offer in mail?? #3. Can you get a 3rd discover card?? Hisotry: I got my second discover card about 13 months ago (didn't go through pre-qual on second card and I think they pulled experian which gave me a really low starting limit, only $3K which didnt help much.). The first discover card I think I got an offer in mail and I got a pretty nice starting limit and they have been prob my favorite card of my entire life as I'm always getting CLI approved (already $23K ) and they've been soooooo freaking amazing. Just looovvve :romance-heartbeating: :romance-heartbeating: discover!!! I also dont have a AMEX card YET so might try for that. #4 which do bureau do you think AMEX would pull in NorCAL?? Any guesses on what sort of AMEX credit line I could get?? My partner and I have pretty high income (we both pull in over 250 together) so DTI shouldn't be necessarily a deal breaker. I also have a very good relationship with NFCU so I'm thinking they may approve me for 3rd visa card ??? I have done their 0.99% 1 year balance transfers before that are nice because they have no transfer fees. #5: Do you "Guess" NFCU would give me a good starting limit (I already checked the prequal and I could get a third platinum card). #6 Also looking at TD bank credit card, any good for high starting limit?? #7 HSBC pulls EQ in Cali, any good?? #8 Assuming I could get 3 cards, what order should I apply for these cards in....1st, 2nd, 3rd?? Yeah, know I need to pay this crap off...been working on this for years but I don't have the money yet...slowly paying it off. Hopefully this will be last year. Thanks for being amazing ya' all.... really appreciate your help :text-bravo:
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  • Score data EX 757 TU: 742 EQ: 750

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

2 of 9
5 months ago
Fri May 03, 2024 10:00 pm
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Seasoned Rebel
Level4 Last INQMonday, May 13, 2024 Gardening For4 months, 3 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in26 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on October 13th INQ 1yr onTuesday, May 13, 2025 INQ 1yr in7 months, 26 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes INQ 2yr onWednesday, May 13, 2026 INQ 2yr in1 year, 7 months, 26 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes Goal12 months Goal DateTuesday, May 13, 2025 Goal In7 months, 26 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:33 am #3. Can you get a 3rd discover card??
I think you can only have two. You can get one every 12 months and can hold two at any given time. . . . But honestly now I'm not sure if those rules are for two of the same card or two of any Discover cards. Like I have two of the IT Cash Back cards. If I understand correctly, I'll need to cancel one before I can apply for another.
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Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

3 of 9
5 months ago
Fri May 03, 2024 10:16 pm
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Level0 Last INQFriday, August 23, 2024 Gardening For24 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onSaturday, August 23, 2025 INQ 1yr in11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes INQ 2yr onSunday, August 23, 2026 INQ 2yr in1 year, 11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes Goal6 months Goal DateSunday, February 23, 2025 Goal In5 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
#1 I don't remember about Disco... I thought they used EX for me either way but I didn't pay a lot of attention. #2 https://www.discovercard.com/applicatio ... al/initial #3 Only two. #4 AMEX almost always pulls EX. #5 Navy Federal is a wild card. They have more of a tendency to grow than to start off large sometimes and other times they start handing out $25K limits right and left. Also, their prequal tool isn't even remotely accurate, so don't be surprised if they shoot you down for the third card (they've shot me down three times). #6 TD Bank is not known for their generosity. This is the same bank behind the Target REDcard where people get $200 or $300 and stay there for years sometimes. #7 I don't know a lot about HSBC, sorry. #8 AMEX and NFCU aren't generally sensitive to credit seeking. Disco has a habit of denying second cards if you have recent new account activity. I don't see a lot of options for you to guarantee yourself a large limit. Your debt load is very high and when credit card delinquencies are exploding, like they are right now, lenders get very skittish about high debt load, even with high income (as the income can vanish in an instant and leave them holding the bag).
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  • Score data TU8 799/EX8 786/EQ8 805
    EQ5 770/EX2 757

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

4 of 9
4 months ago
Thu May 09, 2024 2:15 am
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Seasoned Rebel
Sorry, no (direct) answers to your questions, just tough love. I think you need to:

1.) Lock up all your credit cards. No more spending on credit cards. Cash/debit only until this debt is paid down.
2.) Get those rates down by any means necessary. This can be anything - BT options, call and ask for a rate reduction, hardship programs, personal or HELOC loans, etc.
3.) Use the Avalanche method and direct the majority of your payments to the highest rate cards first.

Good luck!
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Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

5 of 9
4 months ago
Wed May 22, 2024 6:49 pm
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Seasoned RebelNeed BTC card
NoMoneyNoHoney has passed the 12 month threshold!
No scorable inquiries on file!
Level20 Last INQSunday, January 1, 2023 Gardening For1 year, 8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in14 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on October 1st INQ 1yr onMonday, January 1, 2024 INQ 1yr reached8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes ago INQ 2yr onWednesday, January 1, 2025 INQ 2yr in3 months, 15 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
Saeren wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 10:16 pm #1 I don't remember about Disco... I thought they used EX for me either way but I didn't pay a lot of attention. #2 https://www.discovercard.com/applicatio ... al/initial #3 Only two. #4 AMEX almost always pulls EX. #5 Navy Federal is a wild card. They have more of a tendency to grow than to start off large sometimes and other times they start handing out $25K limits right and left. Also, their prequal tool isn't even remotely accurate, so don't be surprised if they shoot you down for the third card (they've shot me down three times). #6 TD Bank is not known for their generosity. This is the same bank behind the Target REDcard where people get $200 or $300 and stay there for years sometimes. #7 I don't know a lot about HSBC, sorry. #8 AMEX and NFCU aren't generally sensitive to credit seeking. Disco has a habit of denying second cards if you have recent new account activity. I don't see a lot of options for you to guarantee yourself a large limit. Your debt load is very high and when credit card delinquencies are exploding, like they are right now, lenders get very skittish about high debt load, even with high income (as the income can vanish in an instant and leave them holding the bag).
Thanks for the detailed replies and reading my entire post!!!! You're awesome!!! question on authorized users - My GF/life partner as pretty good credit (owns a home, use to have 800+ score) if she adds me as an authorized user to her discover (she's had discover card for 5 years I think) would that boost my fico score?? She's never missed a payment on the discover card ( I think it's 20K ++credit line) but she recently co-signed on a car and the person(her sister) missed one payment but that had nothing to do with discover. Only thing is I already have two discover cards so I don't know if it helps me. She also has chase preffered card she could add me to also...not sure what to do ...thoughts???
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  • Score data EX 757 TU: 742 EQ: 750

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

6 of 9
4 months ago
Thu May 23, 2024 12:29 pm
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Level0 Last INQFriday, August 23, 2024 Gardening For24 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onSaturday, August 23, 2025 INQ 1yr in11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes INQ 2yr onSunday, August 23, 2026 INQ 2yr in1 year, 11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes Goal6 months Goal DateSunday, February 23, 2025 Goal In5 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 6:49 pm
Saeren wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 10:16 pm #1 I don't remember about Disco... I thought they used EX for me either way but I didn't pay a lot of attention. #2 https://www.discovercard.com/applicatio ... al/initial #3 Only two. #4 AMEX almost always pulls EX. #5 Navy Federal is a wild card. They have more of a tendency to grow than to start off large sometimes and other times they start handing out $25K limits right and left. Also, their prequal tool isn't even remotely accurate, so don't be surprised if they shoot you down for the third card (they've shot me down three times). #6 TD Bank is not known for their generosity. This is the same bank behind the Target REDcard where people get $200 or $300 and stay there for years sometimes. #7 I don't know a lot about HSBC, sorry. #8 AMEX and NFCU aren't generally sensitive to credit seeking. Disco has a habit of denying second cards if you have recent new account activity. I don't see a lot of options for you to guarantee yourself a large limit. Your debt load is very high and when credit card delinquencies are exploding, like they are right now, lenders get very skittish about high debt load, even with high income (as the income can vanish in an instant and leave them holding the bag).
Thanks for the detailed replies and reading my entire post!!!! You're awesome!!! question on authorized users - My GF/life partner as pretty good credit (owns a home, use to have 800+ score) if she adds me as an authorized user to her discover (she's had discover card for 5 years I think) would that boost my fico score?? She's never missed a payment on the discover card ( I think it's 20K ++credit line) but she recently co-signed on a car and the person(her sister) missed one payment but that had nothing to do with discover. Only thing is I already have two discover cards so I don't know if it helps me. She also has chase preffered card she could add me to also...not sure what to do ...thoughts???
Authorized user cards won't really do much for an already established profile as it is and thanks to rampant abuse (people have been known to *sell* AU slots), most credit scores toss them out anyway. The real benefit from AUs is being able to combine purchases for cash back. It doesn't really hurt to have one, unless she's carrying high balances that would hurt your utilization, it just may not particularly help either.
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  • Score data TU8 799/EX8 786/EQ8 805
    EQ5 770/EX2 757

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

7 of 9
4 months ago
Thu May 23, 2024 5:56 pm
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Seasoned RebelNeed BTC card
NoMoneyNoHoney has passed the 12 month threshold!
No scorable inquiries on file!
Level20 Last INQSunday, January 1, 2023 Gardening For1 year, 8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in14 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on October 1st INQ 1yr onMonday, January 1, 2024 INQ 1yr reached8 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes ago INQ 2yr onWednesday, January 1, 2025 INQ 2yr in3 months, 15 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
Saeren wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:29 pm
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 6:49 pm
Saeren wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 10:16 pm #1 I don't remember about Disco... I thought they used EX for me either way but I didn't pay a lot of attention. #2 https://www.discovercard.com/applicatio ... al/initial #3 Only two. #4 AMEX almost always pulls EX. #5 Navy Federal is a wild card. They have more of a tendency to grow than to start off large sometimes and other times they start handing out $25K limits right and left. Also, their prequal tool isn't even remotely accurate, so don't be surprised if they shoot you down for the third card (they've shot me down three times). #6 TD Bank is not known for their generosity. This is the same bank behind the Target REDcard where people get $200 or $300 and stay there for years sometimes. #7 I don't know a lot about HSBC, sorry. #8 AMEX and NFCU aren't generally sensitive to credit seeking. Disco has a habit of denying second cards if you have recent new account activity. I don't see a lot of options for you to guarantee yourself a large limit. Your debt load is very high and when credit card delinquencies are exploding, like they are right now, lenders get very skittish about high debt load, even with high income (as the income can vanish in an instant and leave them holding the bag).
Thanks for the detailed replies and reading my entire post!!!! You're awesome!!! question on authorized users - My GF/life partner as pretty good credit (owns a home, use to have 800+ score) if she adds me as an authorized user to her discover (she's had discover card for 5 years I think) would that boost my fico score?? She's never missed a payment on the discover card ( I think it's 20K ++credit line) but she recently co-signed on a car and the person(her sister) missed one payment but that had nothing to do with discover. Only thing is I already have two discover cards so I don't know if it helps me. She also has chase preffered card she could add me to also...not sure what to do ...thoughts???
Authorized user cards won't really do much for an already established profile as it is and thanks to rampant abuse (people have been known to *sell* AU slots), most credit scores toss them out anyway. The real benefit from AUs is being able to combine purchases for cash back. It doesn't really hurt to have one, unless she's carrying high balances that would hurt your utilization, it just may not particularly help either.
Thanks! 1. Does it matter to be added to someone's discover card if I already have two discover cards?? Does discover not count the AU after havig two cards?? 2. So I found out her discover card has 25K in available credit (zero balance) and she's actually had it for 15 years.. Her FICO is very high 700's (778 I think).... wouldn't being added as an AU to this account increase my overall aggregate credit line and reduce my utilization rate? Is that how it works? Getting 25K more in available credit could make my aggregate utilzation percentage go below the big 30% threshold which I could imagine would be a big FICO score increase 3. Is Chase good for being added as an AU?? SHe does have a chase preferred visa w/ 15K limit and 3 years of history (zero balance). Sorry to ask so many questions, these small details matter I guess, so I"m being careful.
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  • Score data EX 757 TU: 742 EQ: 750

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

8 of 9
4 months ago
Fri May 24, 2024 3:51 am
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Seasoned RebelDinosaur
Level5 Last INQMonday, April 8, 2024 Gardening For5 months, 8 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in21 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on October 8th INQ 1yr onTuesday, April 8, 2025 INQ 1yr in6 months, 22 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes INQ 2yr onWednesday, April 8, 2026 INQ 2yr in1 year, 6 months, 22 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes Goal24 months Goal DateWednesday, April 8, 2026 Goal In1 year, 6 months, 22 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 5:56 pm
Saeren wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:29 pm
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 6:49 pm Thanks for the detailed replies and reading my entire post!!!! You're awesome!!! question on authorized users - My GF/life partner as pretty good credit (owns a home, use to have 800+ score) if she adds me as an authorized user to her discover (she's had discover card for 5 years I think) would that boost my fico score?? She's never missed a payment on the discover card ( I think it's 20K ++credit line) but she recently co-signed on a car and the person(her sister) missed one payment but that had nothing to do with discover. Only thing is I already have two discover cards so I don't know if it helps me. She also has chase preffered card she could add me to also...not sure what to do ...thoughts???
Authorized user cards won't really do much for an already established profile as it is and thanks to rampant abuse (people have been known to *sell* AU slots), most credit scores toss them out anyway. The real benefit from AUs is being able to combine purchases for cash back. It doesn't really hurt to have one, unless she's carrying high balances that would hurt your utilization, it just may not particularly help either.
Thanks! 1. Does it matter to be added to someone's discover card if I already have two discover cards?? Does discover not count the AU after havig two cards?? 2. So I found out her discover card has 25K in available credit (zero balance) and she's actually had it for 15 years.. Her FICO is very high 700's (778 I think).... wouldn't being added as an AU to this account increase my overall aggregate credit line and reduce my utilization rate? Is that how it works? Getting 25K more in available credit could make my aggregate utilzation percentage go below the big 30% threshold which I could imagine would be a big FICO score increase 3. Is Chase good for being added as an AU?? SHe does have a chase preferred visa w/ 15K limit and 3 years of history (zero balance). Sorry to ask so many questions, these small details matter I guess, so I"m being careful.
In my inquiries of Discover, they said there was a policy in place that a person could only have two Discover accounts at the same time (last year). Now I remember this was not always the case a few years back (could have four or ___?). Today, I have not tried for more than two, so the question lays out there?
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  • Score data EQ8:807 TU8:802 EX8:799

Re: 3rd Discover card? BTcard ideas?? 3rd NFCU card?

9 of 9
4 months ago
Fri May 24, 2024 10:16 pm
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Rebel Administrator
Recent HP or new account.
Level0 Last INQFriday, August 23, 2024 Gardening For24 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes Next Level in6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onSaturday, August 23, 2025 INQ 1yr in11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes INQ 2yr onSunday, August 23, 2026 INQ 2yr in1 year, 11 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes Goal6 months Goal DateSunday, February 23, 2025 Goal In5 months, 6 days, 10 hours, and 40 minutes
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 5:56 pm
Saeren wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 12:29 pm
NoMoneyNoHoney wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 6:49 pm Thanks for the detailed replies and reading my entire post!!!! You're awesome!!! question on authorized users - My GF/life partner as pretty good credit (owns a home, use to have 800+ score) if she adds me as an authorized user to her discover (she's had discover card for 5 years I think) would that boost my fico score?? She's never missed a payment on the discover card ( I think it's 20K ++credit line) but she recently co-signed on a car and the person(her sister) missed one payment but that had nothing to do with discover. Only thing is I already have two discover cards so I don't know if it helps me. She also has chase preffered card she could add me to also...not sure what to do ...thoughts???
Authorized user cards won't really do much for an already established profile as it is and thanks to rampant abuse (people have been known to *sell* AU slots), most credit scores toss them out anyway. The real benefit from AUs is being able to combine purchases for cash back. It doesn't really hurt to have one, unless she's carrying high balances that would hurt your utilization, it just may not particularly help either.
Thanks! 1. Does it matter to be added to someone's discover card if I already have two discover cards?? Does discover not count the AU after havig two cards?? 2. So I found out her discover card has 25K in available credit (zero balance) and she's actually had it for 15 years.. Her FICO is very high 700's (778 I think).... wouldn't being added as an AU to this account increase my overall aggregate credit line and reduce my utilization rate? Is that how it works? Getting 25K more in available credit could make my aggregate utilzation percentage go below the big 30% threshold which I could imagine would be a big FICO score increase 3. Is Chase good for being added as an AU?? SHe does have a chase preferred visa w/ 15K limit and 3 years of history (zero balance). Sorry to ask so many questions, these small details matter I guess, so I"m being careful.
1. No, the AU won't count. 2. It would affect your utilization on scoring models that count the card. 3. The main reason people add AUs to established profiles is to get additional cash back rewards. Bear in mind that AU accounts affect your age of accounts as well so make sure that these cards are older than your cards on average.
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  • Score data TU8 799/EX8 786/EQ8 805
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