I just found out that VS has a publicly accessible database that includes all of their reason codes. It is available at https://www.reasoncode.org/allcodes Although it looks like someone forgot to debug their PHP code and the website throws an error, currently. You can access the site through Google's cache. Apparently, when the site is working you can click on a reason code and it will take you to a more detailed breakdown of the code. The list of negative reason codes for VS3 are pasted below: v304: The balances on your accounts are too high compared to loan amounts v305: Too many of the delinquencies on your accounts are recent v306: You have too many accounts that were opened recently v307: You have too many delinquent or derogatory accounts v308: You have either very few loans or too many loans with recent delinquencies v309: The worst payment status on your accounts is delinquent or derogatory v310: You have either very few loans or too many loans with delinquencies v311: The total of your delinquent or derogatory account balances is too high v312: The date that you opened your oldest account is too recent v313: Your most recently opened account is too new v314: Lack of sufficient credit history v315: Newest delinquent or derogatory payment status on your accounts is too recent v316: The total of all balances on your open accounts is too high v317: Balances on previously delinquent accounts are too high compared to loan amts v318: Total of balances on accounts never late is too high compared to loan amounts v321: No open accounts in your credit file v322: No recently reported account information v323: Lack of sufficient relevant account information v329: Too many of your open bankcard or revolving accounts have a balance v330: Too few of your bankcard or other revolving accounts have high limits v331: Too many bankcard or other revolving accounts were opened recently v332: Balances on bankcard or revolving accounts too high compared to credit limits v333: Your worst bankcard or revolving account status is delinquent or derogatory v334: Total of all balances on bankcard or revolving accounts is too high v335: Your highest bankcard or revolving account balance is too high v336: Your largest credit limit on open bankcard or revolving accounts is too low v339: Available credit on your open bankcard or revolving accounts is too low v340: The date you opened your oldest bankcard or revolving account is too recent v342: The date you opened your newest bankcard or revolving account is too recent v343: Lack of sufficient credit history on bankcard or revolving accounts v344: Too many bankcard or revolving accounts with delinquent or derogatory status v345: Total balances too high on delinquent/derogatory bankcard or revolving accts v347: No open bankcard or revolving accounts in your credit file v348: No bankcard or revolving recently reported account information v349: Lack of sufficient relevant bankcard or revolving account information v353: The worst status on your real estate accounts is delinquent or derogatory v354: The amount of balance paid down on your open real estate accounts is too low v355: Open real estate account balances are too high compared to their loan amounts v357: Too many real estate accounts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v358: The total of all balances on your open real estate accounts is too high v361: No open real estate accounts in your credit file v362: No recently reported real estate account information v363: Lack of sufficient relevant real estate account information v364: No open first mortgage accounts in your credit file v365: Lack of sufficient relevant first mortgage account information v366: Your open auto account balances are too high compared to their loan amounts v368: No open auto accounts in your credit file v369: Lack of sufficient relevant auto account information v371: You have either very few installment loans or too many with delinquencies v372: Too many installment accounts with a delinquent or derogatory payment status v373: The worst status on your installment accounts is delinquent or derogatory v374: The balance amount paid down on your open installment accounts is too low v375: The installment account that you opened most recently is too new v376: You have insufficient credit history on installment loans v377: Newest delinquent or derogatory status on installment accounts is too recent v378: Balances on installment accounts are too high compared to their loan amounts v379: Too many of the delinquencies on your installment accounts are recent v381: No open installment accounts in your credit file v383: Lack of sufficient relevant installment account information v384: The number of inquiries was also a factor, but effect was not significant v385: You have too many inquiries on your credit report. v386: Your credit report contains too many derogatory public records v387: Your credit report contains too many unsatisfied public records v388: One or more derogatory public records in your credit file is too recent v390: Too few discharged bankruptcies v393: The worst status on your student loan accounts is delinquent or derogatory v394: The balance amount paid down on your open student loan accounts is too low v395: You have too many collection agency accounts that are unpaid v396: The total you owe on collection agency accounts is high v397: You have too few credit accounts v398: There is a bankruptcy on your credit report v3P04: The balances on your accounts are not too high compared to loan limits v3P05: There are no or only a few recent delinquencies on your accounts v3P06: You have few or no accounts that were opened recently v3P07: You have either no or few delinquent or derogatory accounts v3P08: One or more of your accounts were paid on time in recent months v3P09: None of your accounts have a severe delinquency or a derogatory status v3P10: One or more of your accounts have been paid on time v3P11: You have few or no accounts with delinquent or derogatory balances v3P12: The date that you opened your oldest account is not too recent v3P13: Your most recently opened account is not too new v3P14: Your credit file contains enough information about your use of credit v3P15: None of your accounts have a recent delinquency or a derogatory status v3P16: The total of all balances on your open accounts is not too high v3P17: Balances on prior delinquent accounts not too high compared to loan amts v3P18: Total of balances on accts never late not too high compared to loan amts v3P21: No open accounts in your credit file v3P22: No recently reported account information v3P23: Lack of sufficient relevant account information v3P29: Few or none of your open bankcard or revolving accounts has a balance v3P30: One or more of your bankcard or revolving accounts has a high limit v3P31: Few or none of your bankcard or revolving accounts was opened recently v3P32: Balances on bankcard or revolving accts not too high compared to limits v3P33: No severe delinquency/derogatory status on bankcard or revolving accts v3P34: Total of all balances on bankcard or revolving accounts is not too high v3P35: Your highest bankcard or revolving account balance is not too high v3P36: Largest credit limit on open bankcard or revolving accts is not too low v3P39: Available credit on open bankcard or revolving accounts is not too low v3P40: Date your oldest bankcard or revolving account opened is not too recent v3P42: Date your newest bankcard or revolving account opened is not too recent v3P43: Credit file has enough history on your use of bankcard/revolving accts v3P44: Few or no bankcard or revolving accts with delinquent/derogatory status v3P45: Few or no bankcard/revolving accts with delinquent/derogatory balances v3P47: No open bankcard or revolving accounts in your credit file v3P48: No bankcard or revolving recently reported account information v3P49: Lack of sufficient relevant bankcard or revolving account information v3P50: No open retail revolving accounts in your credit file v3P52: No open home equity loans in your credit file v3P53: No real estate accounts with severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P54: Amount of balance paid down on open real estate accounts is not too low v3P55: Open real estate account balances not too high compared to loan amounts v3P57: Few or no real estate accts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v3P58: The total of all balances on open real estate accounts is not too high v3P61: No open real estate accounts in your credit file v3P62: No recently reported real estate account information v3P63: Lack of sufficient relevant real estate account information v3P64: No open first mortgage accounts in your credit file v3P65: Lack of sufficient relevant first mortgage account information v3P66: Balances on open auto accounts are not too high compared to loan amounts v3P68: No open auto accounts in your credit file v3P69: Lack of sufficient relevant auto account information v3P70: No open personal installment loans in your credit file v3P71: One or more of your installment accounts has been paid on time v3P72: Few or no installment accts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v3P73: No installment accounts with a severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P74: Amount of balance paid down on open installment accounts is not too low v3P75: Your most recently opened installment account is not too new v3P76: Your credit file has enough history on your use of installment loans v3P77: Newest delinquent/derogatory status on installment accts not too recent v3P78: Installment account balances not too high compared to loan amounts v3P79: You have few or no recent delinquencies on your installment accounts v3P81: No open installment accounts in your credit file v3P83: Lack of sufficient relevant installment account information v3P85: You have few or no inquiries on your credit report v3P86: You have few or no derogatory public records on your credit report v3P87: You have few or no unsatisfied public records on your credit report v3P88: You have no recent derogatory public records on your credit report v3P90: You have one or more discharged bankruptcies v3P92: No open student loan accounts in your credit file v3P93: No student loan accounts with a severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P94: Amount of balance paid down on open student loan accounts is not too low v3P95: You have few or no unpaid collection agency accounts v3P96: You have few or no collection agency account balances v3P98: There is no bankruptcy on your credit report

List of VS3 Negative reason codes

1 of 5
3 years ago
Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:04 am
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Share Secured Rebel
aj2121 has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level28 Last INQSaturday, April 23, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 4 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes Next Level in15 days, 1 hour, and 55 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onSunday, April 23, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 4 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago INQ 2yr onTuesday, April 23, 2024 INQ 2yr reached4 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago
I just found out that VS has a publicly accessible database that includes all of their reason codes. It is available at https://www.reasoncode.org/allcodes Although it looks like someone forgot to debug their PHP code and the website throws an error, currently. You can access the site through Google's cache. Apparently, when the site is working you can click on a reason code and it will take you to a more detailed breakdown of the code. The list of negative reason codes for VS3 are pasted below: v304: The balances on your accounts are too high compared to loan amounts v305: Too many of the delinquencies on your accounts are recent v306: You have too many accounts that were opened recently v307: You have too many delinquent or derogatory accounts v308: You have either very few loans or too many loans with recent delinquencies v309: The worst payment status on your accounts is delinquent or derogatory v310: You have either very few loans or too many loans with delinquencies v311: The total of your delinquent or derogatory account balances is too high v312: The date that you opened your oldest account is too recent v313: Your most recently opened account is too new v314: Lack of sufficient credit history v315: Newest delinquent or derogatory payment status on your accounts is too recent v316: The total of all balances on your open accounts is too high v317: Balances on previously delinquent accounts are too high compared to loan amts v318: Total of balances on accounts never late is too high compared to loan amounts v321: No open accounts in your credit file v322: No recently reported account information v323: Lack of sufficient relevant account information v329: Too many of your open bankcard or revolving accounts have a balance v330: Too few of your bankcard or other revolving accounts have high limits v331: Too many bankcard or other revolving accounts were opened recently v332: Balances on bankcard or revolving accounts too high compared to credit limits v333: Your worst bankcard or revolving account status is delinquent or derogatory v334: Total of all balances on bankcard or revolving accounts is too high v335: Your highest bankcard or revolving account balance is too high v336: Your largest credit limit on open bankcard or revolving accounts is too low v339: Available credit on your open bankcard or revolving accounts is too low v340: The date you opened your oldest bankcard or revolving account is too recent v342: The date you opened your newest bankcard or revolving account is too recent v343: Lack of sufficient credit history on bankcard or revolving accounts v344: Too many bankcard or revolving accounts with delinquent or derogatory status v345: Total balances too high on delinquent/derogatory bankcard or revolving accts v347: No open bankcard or revolving accounts in your credit file v348: No bankcard or revolving recently reported account information v349: Lack of sufficient relevant bankcard or revolving account information v353: The worst status on your real estate accounts is delinquent or derogatory v354: The amount of balance paid down on your open real estate accounts is too low v355: Open real estate account balances are too high compared to their loan amounts v357: Too many real estate accounts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v358: The total of all balances on your open real estate accounts is too high v361: No open real estate accounts in your credit file v362: No recently reported real estate account information v363: Lack of sufficient relevant real estate account information v364: No open first mortgage accounts in your credit file v365: Lack of sufficient relevant first mortgage account information v366: Your open auto account balances are too high compared to their loan amounts v368: No open auto accounts in your credit file v369: Lack of sufficient relevant auto account information v371: You have either very few installment loans or too many with delinquencies v372: Too many installment accounts with a delinquent or derogatory payment status v373: The worst status on your installment accounts is delinquent or derogatory v374: The balance amount paid down on your open installment accounts is too low v375: The installment account that you opened most recently is too new v376: You have insufficient credit history on installment loans v377: Newest delinquent or derogatory status on installment accounts is too recent v378: Balances on installment accounts are too high compared to their loan amounts v379: Too many of the delinquencies on your installment accounts are recent v381: No open installment accounts in your credit file v383: Lack of sufficient relevant installment account information v384: The number of inquiries was also a factor, but effect was not significant v385: You have too many inquiries on your credit report. v386: Your credit report contains too many derogatory public records v387: Your credit report contains too many unsatisfied public records v388: One or more derogatory public records in your credit file is too recent v390: Too few discharged bankruptcies v393: The worst status on your student loan accounts is delinquent or derogatory v394: The balance amount paid down on your open student loan accounts is too low v395: You have too many collection agency accounts that are unpaid v396: The total you owe on collection agency accounts is high v397: You have too few credit accounts v398: There is a bankruptcy on your credit report v3P04: The balances on your accounts are not too high compared to loan limits v3P05: There are no or only a few recent delinquencies on your accounts v3P06: You have few or no accounts that were opened recently v3P07: You have either no or few delinquent or derogatory accounts v3P08: One or more of your accounts were paid on time in recent months v3P09: None of your accounts have a severe delinquency or a derogatory status v3P10: One or more of your accounts have been paid on time v3P11: You have few or no accounts with delinquent or derogatory balances v3P12: The date that you opened your oldest account is not too recent v3P13: Your most recently opened account is not too new v3P14: Your credit file contains enough information about your use of credit v3P15: None of your accounts have a recent delinquency or a derogatory status v3P16: The total of all balances on your open accounts is not too high v3P17: Balances on prior delinquent accounts not too high compared to loan amts v3P18: Total of balances on accts never late not too high compared to loan amts v3P21: No open accounts in your credit file v3P22: No recently reported account information v3P23: Lack of sufficient relevant account information v3P29: Few or none of your open bankcard or revolving accounts has a balance v3P30: One or more of your bankcard or revolving accounts has a high limit v3P31: Few or none of your bankcard or revolving accounts was opened recently v3P32: Balances on bankcard or revolving accts not too high compared to limits v3P33: No severe delinquency/derogatory status on bankcard or revolving accts v3P34: Total of all balances on bankcard or revolving accounts is not too high v3P35: Your highest bankcard or revolving account balance is not too high v3P36: Largest credit limit on open bankcard or revolving accts is not too low v3P39: Available credit on open bankcard or revolving accounts is not too low v3P40: Date your oldest bankcard or revolving account opened is not too recent v3P42: Date your newest bankcard or revolving account opened is not too recent v3P43: Credit file has enough history on your use of bankcard/revolving accts v3P44: Few or no bankcard or revolving accts with delinquent/derogatory status v3P45: Few or no bankcard/revolving accts with delinquent/derogatory balances v3P47: No open bankcard or revolving accounts in your credit file v3P48: No bankcard or revolving recently reported account information v3P49: Lack of sufficient relevant bankcard or revolving account information v3P50: No open retail revolving accounts in your credit file v3P52: No open home equity loans in your credit file v3P53: No real estate accounts with severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P54: Amount of balance paid down on open real estate accounts is not too low v3P55: Open real estate account balances not too high compared to loan amounts v3P57: Few or no real estate accts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v3P58: The total of all balances on open real estate accounts is not too high v3P61: No open real estate accounts in your credit file v3P62: No recently reported real estate account information v3P63: Lack of sufficient relevant real estate account information v3P64: No open first mortgage accounts in your credit file v3P65: Lack of sufficient relevant first mortgage account information v3P66: Balances on open auto accounts are not too high compared to loan amounts v3P68: No open auto accounts in your credit file v3P69: Lack of sufficient relevant auto account information v3P70: No open personal installment loans in your credit file v3P71: One or more of your installment accounts has been paid on time v3P72: Few or no installment accts with delinquent or derogatory payment status v3P73: No installment accounts with a severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P74: Amount of balance paid down on open installment accounts is not too low v3P75: Your most recently opened installment account is not too new v3P76: Your credit file has enough history on your use of installment loans v3P77: Newest delinquent/derogatory status on installment accts not too recent v3P78: Installment account balances not too high compared to loan amounts v3P79: You have few or no recent delinquencies on your installment accounts v3P81: No open installment accounts in your credit file v3P83: Lack of sufficient relevant installment account information v3P85: You have few or no inquiries on your credit report v3P86: You have few or no derogatory public records on your credit report v3P87: You have few or no unsatisfied public records on your credit report v3P88: You have no recent derogatory public records on your credit report v3P90: You have one or more discharged bankruptcies v3P92: No open student loan accounts in your credit file v3P93: No student loan accounts with a severe delinquency or derogatory status v3P94: Amount of balance paid down on open student loan accounts is not too low v3P95: You have few or no unpaid collection agency accounts v3P96: You have few or no collection agency account balances v3P98: There is no bankruptcy on your credit report
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  • Score data FICO8 EX: 715 EQ: 724 TU: 735
    As of 4/6/22

Re: List of VS3 Negative reason codes

2 of 5
3 years ago
Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:31 pm
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DeveloperLoves long talks on the beach
Cassie has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level54 Last INQFriday, February 14, 2020 Gardening For4 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes Next Level in6 days, 1 hour, and 55 minutes on September 14th INQ 1yr onSunday, February 14, 2021 INQ 1yr reached3 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago INQ 2yr onMonday, February 14, 2022 INQ 2yr reached2 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago
aj2121 wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:04 am I just found out that VS has a publicly accessible database that includes all of their reason codes. It is available at https://www.reasoncode.org/allcodes Although it looks like someone forgot to debug their PHP code and the website throws an error, currently. You can access the site through Google's cache. Apparently, when the site is working you can click on a reason code and it will take you to a more detailed breakdown of the code. The list of negative reason codes for VS3 are pasted below:
That's funny...it was broken last year in the same way too when I used it to get the VS3 and VS4 table for my score factors thread on MF. I never ended up posting the entire VS4 table though. Thanks for posting them here, @aj2121 .
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  • Score data EQ8:790 TU8:790 EX8:795

Re: List of VS3 Negative reason codes

3 of 5
3 years ago
Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:58 am
User avatar
Senior AdministratorGoodwill Saturation Technique Author
BrutalBodyShots has been gardening for over 2 years.
BrutalBodyShots has achieved the Garden Goal !!
Level27 Last INQMonday, May 23, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes Next Level in15 days, 1 hour, and 55 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onTuesday, May 23, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago INQ 2yr onThursday, May 23, 2024 INQ 2yr reached3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago Goal24 months Goal DateThursday, May 23, 2024 Goal Achieved3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago
Cassie wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:31 pm That's funny...it was broken last year in the same way too when I used it to get the VS3 and VS4 table for my score factors thread on MF. I never ended up posting the entire VS4 table though.
LOL, makes you wonder right? It's like the shake machine at Burger King that was broken back in the mid 90's every week when my friends and I would stop there after leaving the billiards hall. I probably stopped there 10 times in the 2000's-2010s during my adult life and, shocker, the shake machine is still broken...
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Re: List of VS3 Negative reason codes

4 of 5
3 years ago
Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:15 pm
User avatar
DeveloperLoves long talks on the beach
Cassie has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level54 Last INQFriday, February 14, 2020 Gardening For4 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes Next Level in6 days, 1 hour, and 55 minutes on September 14th INQ 1yr onSunday, February 14, 2021 INQ 1yr reached3 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago INQ 2yr onMonday, February 14, 2022 INQ 2yr reached2 years, 6 months, 24 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago
BrutalBodyShots wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:58 am
Cassie wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 8:31 pm That's funny...it was broken last year in the same way too when I used it to get the VS3 and VS4 table for my score factors thread on MF. I never ended up posting the entire VS4 table though.
LOL, makes you wonder right? It's like the shake machine at Burger King that was broken back in the mid 90's every week when my friends and I would stop there after leaving the billiards hall. I probably stopped there 10 times in the 2000's-2010s during my adult life and, shocker, the shake machine is still broken...
lol This was in the Wall Street Journal a few weeks ago, and I also remember reading something long before that about the company that makes the machines. McDonald’s McFlurry Machine Is Broken (Again). Now the FTC Is On It. The frequently malfunctioning equipment leads to a lawsuit and gets the federal antitrust agency involved
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  • Score data EQ8:790 TU8:790 EX8:795

Re: List of VS3 Negative reason codes

5 of 5
3 years ago
Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:13 pm
User avatar
Senior AdministratorGoodwill Saturation Technique Author
BrutalBodyShots has been gardening for over 2 years.
BrutalBodyShots has achieved the Garden Goal !!
Level27 Last INQMonday, May 23, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes Next Level in15 days, 1 hour, and 55 minutes on September 23rd INQ 1yr onTuesday, May 23, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago INQ 2yr onThursday, May 23, 2024 INQ 2yr reached3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago Goal24 months Goal DateThursday, May 23, 2024 Goal Achieved3 months, 15 days, 22 hours, and 5 minutes ago
LOL. I had a friend who had a friend that worked at the BK with the perpetual "broken" machine. He told him that it's never really broken, just that they either keep it off or shut it down because it's a pain in the ass to clean once it's used.

I guess I could buy that excuse for a handful of years, but once a staff/management turns over a few times across multiple decades I find it hard to believe that practice/tradition keeps getting passed on. I wouldn't imagine corporate stopping in for their quarterly inspections or whatever would be too happy seeing a profit-maker non-functional every time.
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