Not sure if this is the correct sub-forum so feel free to move if needed. I feel there is a lot of confusion about authorized user (AU) accounts in general, but especially so in regards to how they affect aging when terminated. The below text is directly from the Experian website in regards to removing oneself as an AU. The account will no longer appear on your credit report, and its activity will not be factored into your credit scores. That also means that your length of credit history, which constitutes 15% of your FICO® Score, will be affected. In other words, if the credit card you were attached to was the oldest account on your report, your credit history will be shorter without it. The above is a blanket statement and leads many to believe that removing yourself as an AU will absolutely affect aging metrics. It has been my experience, however, that there are banks that will report the AU account as a closed card and allow you to retain the aging benefits. In my experience both Discover and Synchrony report as a closed account. And I should have a DP for Citi soon. Does anyone know of any other cards that will report as closed when the AU is terminated?

Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

17 of 27
3 years ago
Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:33 am
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Yes please, and tell me the age of the AU, please.
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

18 of 27
3 years ago
Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:23 pm
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aj2121 has been gardening for over 2 years.
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See the attached screenshots for the details from Experian. Overview: 10 open bankcards, 3 closed bankcards, 13 total bankcards --> 2 closed bankcards, 12 total bankcards 5 open store cards, 3 closed store cards --> same 18 open accounts, 14 closed accounts, 32 accounts total --> 18 open accounts, 13 closed accounts, 31 total accounts AU account opened November 5, 2015
Citi AU Details.jpg 33.53 KiB Viewed 79 times
EX Report from 9.16.21
EX_9.16.21 Overview.jpg 48.47 KiB Viewed 79 times
EX Report from 9.17.21
EX_9.17.21 Overview.jpg 49.51 KiB Viewed 79 times
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

19 of 27
3 years ago
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:51 am
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Your beyond the number of bankcards where I believe that metric would matter.

I’m feeling better & will look at the data shortly and see if I can figure out anything from that, no promises though sometimes you can sometimes you can’t.

Was this the only AU TL? And did you ever test it, do you know for sure it was not discounted?

If you’ve already answered those questions don’t worry I’m gonna go back and read the whole thread.
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

20 of 27
3 years ago
Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:45 pm
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aj2121 wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:23 pm See the attached screenshots for the details from Experian. Overview: 10 open bankcards, 3 closed bankcards, 13 total bankcards --> 2 closed bankcards, 12 total bankcards 5 open store cards, 3 closed store cards --> same 18 open accounts, 14 closed accounts, 32 accounts total --> 18 open accounts, 13 closed accounts, 31 total accounts AU account opened November 5, 2015 Citi AU Details.jpg EX Report from 9.16.21 EX_9.16.21 Overview.jpg EX Report from 9.17.21 EX_9.17.21 Overview.jpg
@aj2121 let me ask you a question. Are you getting your values from the interface or from calculating them yourself? If you did not calculate them yourself, I want you to please do so, you can even use the Excel spreadsheet created by ccquest. Many times the interface from the CMS is incorrect. If in fact that is correct I would like to know what your average age of revolving accounts went from and to. Also where is the other thread I was going to look at?
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

21 of 27
3 years ago
Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:44 pm
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@Birdman I'll tag you in the other thread as well... It was my only AU TL and I did confirm that letting the cad report a 0 balance dropped my score. Once it reported a small balance again my score increased by the amount lost. So it should not be discounted. I have hand calculated the values and used ccquest's spreadsheet, both figures match up with those shown by the CMS. I didn't even think about AAoRA; 4y7m --> 4y6m, so that decreased as well and I wouldn't think an aging decrease would lead to a score improvement.
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

22 of 27
3 years ago
Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:14 pm
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aj2121 wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:44 pm @Birdman I'll tag you in the other thread as well... It was my only AU TL and I did confirm that letting the cad report a 0 balance dropped my score. Once it reported a small balance again my score increased by the amount lost. So it should not be discounted. I have hand calculated the values and used ccquest's spreadsheet, both figures match up with those shown by the CMS. I didn't even think about AAoRA; 4y7m --> 4y6m, so that decreased as well and I wouldn't think an aging decrease would lead to a score improvement.
No that definitely would not lead to an improvement unless changing Scorecards possibly. Remember I’m not 100%. Good point wrong direction LOL 😊
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

23 of 27
3 years ago
Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:50 am
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@Birdman Maybe this change was related to the lag that you mentioned sometimes occurs between reports and scores. On September 19th the report indicated a card with a ~$4,000 balance was paid to $0, the reporting date is listed as the 17th. If there is a lag possibility between the report and scores, the ~4k balance decrease, 1 less AWB, and 3% util drop seems much more likely to create a score gain than an AU account that affects aging metrics by 1 month dropping from my report.
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

24 of 27
3 years ago
Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:55 pm
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aj2121 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:50 am @Birdman Maybe this change was related to the lag that you mentioned sometimes occurs between reports and scores. On September 19th the report indicated a card with a ~$4,000 balance was paid to $0, the reporting date is listed as the 17th. If there is a lag possibility between the report and scores, the ~4k balance decrease, 1 less AWB, and 3% util drop seems much more likely to create a score gain than an AU account that affects aging metrics by 1 month dropping from my report.
@aj2121 you could be correct about the delay causing conflation or misdirection, unfortunately that does happen sometimes which is why we have to have the tests able to be repeated in order to confirm it before we can rely on new findings. But it’s not the age change that would cause me to expect the score change. As a matter fact, I’m glad that it did not cause any meaningful age changes that would’ve crossed any thresholds. Well actually it did the 54 month AAoRA could be a threshold and could have offset other changes. But where the changes would come from that I’m looking for is the Utilization Metric in Amounts Owed. You see AZ is either a penalty or lack of an award. You know my theory, but, this could shed light upon that. You see the utilization Metrics for AUs appear to be independent. So if you lost points by losing the account, by default it may give you a couple points and then when you get a balance it gives you more points, then when you cross the threshold it takes away some. What was your AUAZ loss? So not only could this tell us whether an authorized user account gives points but it could also resolve the A-Z mystery
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

25 of 27
3 years ago
Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:18 pm
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aj2121 has been gardening for over 2 years.
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Birdman wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:55 pm
aj2121 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:50 am @Birdman Maybe this change was related to the lag that you mentioned sometimes occurs between reports and scores. On September 19th the report indicated a card with a ~$4,000 balance was paid to $0, the reporting date is listed as the 17th. If there is a lag possibility between the report and scores, the ~4k balance decrease, 1 less AWB, and 3% util drop seems much more likely to create a score gain than an AU account that affects aging metrics by 1 month dropping from my report.
@aj2121 you could be correct about the delay causing conflation or misdirection, unfortunately that does happen sometimes which is why we have to have the tests able to be repeated in order to confirm it before we can rely on new findings. But it’s not the age change that would cause me to expect the score change. As a matter fact, I’m glad that it did not cause any meaningful age changes that would’ve crossed any thresholds. Well actually it did the 54 month AAoRA could be a threshold and could have offset other changes. But where the changes would come from that I’m looking for is the Utilization Metric in Amounts Owed. You see AZ is either a penalty or lack of an award. You know my theory, but, this could shed light upon that. You see the utilization Metrics for AUs appear to be independent. So if you lost points by losing the account, by default it may give you a couple points and then when you get a balance it gives you more points, then when you cross the threshold it takes away some. What was your AUAZ loss? So not only could this tell us whether an authorized user account gives points but it could also resolve the A-Z mystery
The loss for AU AZ was 6 points. The thing is, I gained points when the card was removed entirely. Which doesn't make sense as all aging metrics decreased. So I am not sure why there would be a point gain with the removal of a positive account??
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

26 of 27
3 years ago
Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:56 am
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Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 11 minutes Next Level in15 days, 10 hours, and 49 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 11 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 14 days, 13 hours, and 11 minutes ago
aj2121 wrote: Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:18 pm
Birdman wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:55 pm
aj2121 wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:50 am @Birdman Maybe this change was related to the lag that you mentioned sometimes occurs between reports and scores. On September 19th the report indicated a card with a ~$4,000 balance was paid to $0, the reporting date is listed as the 17th. If there is a lag possibility between the report and scores, the ~4k balance decrease, 1 less AWB, and 3% util drop seems much more likely to create a score gain than an AU account that affects aging metrics by 1 month dropping from my report.
@aj2121 you could be correct about the delay causing conflation or misdirection, unfortunately that does happen sometimes which is why we have to have the tests able to be repeated in order to confirm it before we can rely on new findings. But it’s not the age change that would cause me to expect the score change. As a matter fact, I’m glad that it did not cause any meaningful age changes that would’ve crossed any thresholds. Well actually it did the 54 month AAoRA could be a threshold and could have offset other changes. But where the changes would come from that I’m looking for is the Utilization Metric in Amounts Owed. You see AZ is either a penalty or lack of an award. You know my theory, but, this could shed light upon that. You see the utilization Metrics for AUs appear to be independent. So if you lost points by losing the account, by default it may give you a couple points and then when you get a balance it gives you more points, then when you cross the threshold it takes away some. What was your AUAZ loss? So not only could this tell us whether an authorized user account gives points but it could also resolve the A-Z mystery
The loss for AU AZ was 6 points. The thing is, I gained points when the card was removed entirely. Which doesn't make sense as all aging metrics decreased. So I am not sure why there would be a point gain with the removal of a positive account??
@aj2121 if the AZ loss were a penalty and authorized user metrics are independent, then you would expect to see a gain because the penalty would be disappearing. My confirmation bias doesn’t want to accept that though lol. How many points did you say you lost when the account was removed? I’m gonna roll back and look.
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Re: Authorized User accounts that retain aging when terminated

27 of 27
3 years ago
Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:59 am
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Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
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As much as I don’t want to accept it, that seems to indicate the AZ loss is a penalty. But we need to see it replicated. 4 to 6 points isn’t much of a stretch, the other two points are noise; they could’ve came from many things.

I’d like to see it repeated and confirmed, but that’s what it seems to point to, as much as that wrecks one of my theories. Lol. Oh well I would rather know the truth even if I’m wrong. But we’ve got to replicate it before we can make any pronouncements.

Plus anybody see anything I’m missing?
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