So on November 24 of last year the CFPB amended their CFR to require debt collectors to attempt to make contact and wait for a notice of undeliverable a day or response before they are allowed to report a collection to a credit bureau now. They either have to contact you by phone or send a letter and wait for a notice of undeliverable Miletiy or it to be returned and they can also use email. They have also put the requirement that a debt collector can only sue where the contract was signed or the consumer lives was also put into the CFR as well. (Keep in mind, many OCs choose not to sue because of the short SOL in their home state that may have a savings clause, requiring them to use that SOL.) So, a debt collector cannot sue in the same choice of jurisdictions as an OC and that has not changed, but it was added to the CFR. Another addition to the CFR was a prohibition on deceptive forms, you know like when they try to make it seem like they’re in attorneys office. So these are some welcome changes because they should have to reach out before they report it rather than blindsiding you in my opinion. Have a look: CFPB CFR

New rule requires CA to attempt contact before reporting

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2 years ago
Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:37 pm
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Primer AuthorCo-Founder
Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 21 minutes Next Level in24 days, 3 hours, and 39 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 21 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 21 minutes ago
So on November 24 of last year the CFPB amended their CFR to require debt collectors to attempt to make contact and wait for a notice of undeliverable a day or response before they are allowed to report a collection to a credit bureau now. They either have to contact you by phone or send a letter and wait for a notice of undeliverable Miletiy or it to be returned and they can also use email. They have also put the requirement that a debt collector can only sue where the contract was signed or the consumer lives was also put into the CFR as well. (Keep in mind, many OCs choose not to sue because of the short SOL in their home state that may have a savings clause, requiring them to use that SOL.) So, a debt collector cannot sue in the same choice of jurisdictions as an OC and that has not changed, but it was added to the CFR. Another addition to the CFR was a prohibition on deceptive forms, you know like when they try to make it seem like they’re in attorneys office. So these are some welcome changes because they should have to reach out before they report it rather than blindsiding you in my opinion. Have a look: CFPB CFR
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