Both cards offer rewards, including free drinks. All of which are obtained through the app. I've been using my rewards for gardening purposes (yippee!) and picking up a new tool here and there is rewarding for the guys. Also, if you have the need to rent equipment HD offers that choice to use the credits on that as well. As far as viewing spending with employees, Lowes4Pros provides more info in a quicker fashion. Both cards offer financing/float options. Lowes is an automatic 60 days. HD constantly sends 3 -10% off coupons but the one time I did a float I had to call in the order....I'm not sure if that's the norm though. Both Lowes and HD have auto increased our credit limits. Lowe's (Synchrony) being more generous than HD (Citibank). I suppose those are profile specific on the acct holder. Dh's increases have always been double/triple what I've received. He is with Synchrony (Lowe's acct) and I have the HD comm acct (Citibank). His scores are 40pts. higher than mine. So there ya go. I highly recommend both cards for your business wallet whether you're a Contractor or not.....both stores offer office supplies, home goods/supplies, etc. lmk what you think.

Lowe's4Pros & Home Depot Commercial Revolvers- a little review

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A year ago
Fri May 19, 2023 12:33 am
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Seasoned Rebel
GApeachy has passed the 12 month threshold!
No scorable inquiries on file!
Level13 Last INQMonday, August 7, 2023 Gardening For1 year, 1 month, 20 hours, and 15 minutes Next Level in29 days, 3 hours, and 45 minutes on October 7th INQ 1yr onWednesday, August 7, 2024 INQ 1yr reached1 month, 20 hours, and 15 minutes ago INQ 2yr onThursday, August 7, 2025 INQ 2yr in10 months, 30 days, 3 hours, and 45 minutes Goal24 months Goal DateThursday, August 7, 2025 Goal In10 months, 30 days, 3 hours, and 45 minutes
Both cards offer rewards, including free drinks. All of which are obtained through the app. I've been using my rewards for gardening purposes (yippee!) and picking up a new tool here and there is rewarding for the guys. Also, if you have the need to rent equipment HD offers that choice to use the credits on that as well.

As far as viewing spending with employees, Lowes4Pros provides more info in a quicker fashion.

Both cards offer financing/float options. Lowes is an automatic 60 days. HD constantly sends 3 -10% off coupons but the one time I did a float I had to call in the order....I'm not sure if that's the norm though.

Both Lowes and HD have auto increased our credit limits. Lowe's (Synchrony) being more generous than HD (Citibank). I suppose those are profile specific on the acct holder. Dh's increases have always been double/triple what I've received. He is with Synchrony (Lowe's acct) and I have the HD comm acct (Citibank). His scores are 40pts. higher than mine. So there ya go.

I highly recommend both cards for your business wallet whether you're a Contractor or not.....both stores offer office supplies, home goods/supplies, etc. lmk what you think.
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  • Score data EX8: 765/ TU: 765/ EQ: 764