I'm looking for data points that any of you have found with your own profile or have heard from others that have tested it regarding 1 maxed out credit card while keeping aggregate utilization as a single-digit number... that is, the scoring impact (on Fico 8 preferred) when moving from a highest individual utilization card being under (say) 30% to maxed out (above 89.5%) with aggregate utilization not being a factor.

Data points on 1 maxed out card?

1 of 22
8 months ago
Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:46 pm
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I'm looking for data points that any of you have found with your own profile or have heard from others that have tested it regarding 1 maxed out credit card while keeping aggregate utilization as a single-digit number... that is, the scoring impact (on Fico 8 preferred) when moving from a highest individual utilization card being under (say) 30% to maxed out (above 89.5%) with aggregate utilization not being a factor.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

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8 months ago
Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:23 am
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I'm curious what the DPs would look like, but don't have it in me to test those waters on a dirty profile.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

3 of 22
8 months ago
Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:19 am
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Gotta give me a month or 2 to clean up some stuff from Christmas, and then I'm down to try. Although, I'm on a dirty scorecard, so my DPs may not help much for what you're trying to nail down.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

4 of 22
8 months ago
Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:57 am
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BrutalBodyShots wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:46 pm I'm looking for data points that any of you have found with your own profile or have heard from others that have tested it regarding 1 maxed out credit card while keeping aggregate utilization as a single-digit number... that is, the scoring impact (on Fico 8 preferred) when moving from a highest individual utilization card being under (say) 30% to maxed out (above 89.5%) with aggregate utilization not being a factor.
I took a BT offer on my Alt Go this month for 9200/10,000 if I am on top of things this month I can make it my only reporting should be a sub 7% total UTI.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

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8 months ago
Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:12 pm
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

6 of 22
7 months ago
Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:26 pm
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I haven’t gotten to All zero except 1 maxed card yet, but with AWB and 1 card maxed 9600/10000 my utilization still well below 10% resulted in a 41 point loss on vs3 TU and EQ f8 gained high revolving balances for -1 point.

No other scores have updated yet.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

7 of 22
7 months ago
Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:36 pm
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Seasoned RebelDinosaur
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Beefy wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:26 pm I haven’t gotten to All zero except 1 maxed card yet, but with AWB and 1 card maxed 9600/10000 my utilization still well below 10% resulted in a 41 point loss on vs3 TU and EQ f8 gained high revolving balances for -1 point. No other scores have updated yet.
Noticed you said a -41 point loss ... ouch. Took out a BT from Discover and will let it post for $575. Suspect my move away from AZEO will boots my EX 811 Fico 8 score. Since I still have a vehicle loan and now no mortgage I wonder if I have any real opportunity to return to Fico 8 850? Note, I was at it for five straight years and upon paying off the mortgage it took a -22 points followed by more when I AZEO'd?! :violin:
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

8 of 22
7 months ago
Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:25 pm
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Dinosaur wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:36 pm
Beefy wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 7:26 pm I haven’t gotten to All zero except 1 maxed card yet, but with AWB and 1 card maxed 9600/10000 my utilization still well below 10% resulted in a 41 point loss on vs3 TU and EQ f8 gained high revolving balances for -1 point. No other scores have updated yet.
Noticed you said a -41 point loss ... ouch. Took out a BT from Discover and will let it post for $575. Suspect my move away from AZEO will boots my EX 811 Fico 8 score. Since I still have a vehicle loan and now no mortgage I wonder if I have any real opportunity to return to Fico 8 850? Note, I was at it for five straight years and upon paying off the mortgage it took a -22 points followed by more when I AZEO'd?! :violin:
VS is gunna VS, vantage scores are much more sensitive to balances than fico, with that said EQ8 seems to have only lost 1 point which is counter to what we expect from individual card utilization. As for AZEO lowering your score, I don’t see how that is possible unless your AZEO keeps dipping to AZ due to reporting nominally AZEO should produce your highest score.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

9 of 22
7 months ago
Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm
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So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. Image This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

10 of 22
7 months ago
Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm
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Seasoned RebelDinosaur
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Beefy wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. [Quoted post had an image here.] This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

11 of 22
7 months ago
Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:03 pm
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Dinosaur wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm
Beefy wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. [Quoted post had an image here.] This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
Ok so now you're confusing me a bit...you referenced AZEO but are describing AZ. That has me wondering if you meant to reference all zero or if the 1 card with a balance when you've been AZEO isn't counting for scoring purposes (like some store cards and some credit union cards).
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

12 of 22
7 months ago
Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:03 am
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Seasoned RebelDinosaur
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EvenBetterThanTheRealThing wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:03 pm
Dinosaur wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm
Beefy wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. [Quoted post had an image here.] This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
Ok so now you're confusing me a bit...you referenced AZEO but are describing AZ. That has me wondering if you meant to reference all zero or if the 1 card with a balance when you've been AZEO isn't counting for scoring purposes (like some store cards and some credit union cards).
All cards zero.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

13 of 22
7 months ago
Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:10 am
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EvenBetterThanTheRealThing wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:03 pm
Dinosaur wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm
Beefy wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. [Quoted post had an image here.] This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
Ok so now you're confusing me a bit...you referenced AZEO but are describing AZ. That has me wondering if you meant to reference all zero or if the 1 card with a balance when you've been AZEO isn't counting for scoring purposes (like some store cards and some credit union cards).
Dino mentioned AZEO dropping their score, this shouldn’t be possible unless other factors are at play. For example using chase as your except one card, and then paying off the balance after statement, chase will always update when your balance hits zero causing you to go from AZEO to AZ, or if you had AU accounts AU has a separate AZ penalty, and finally if the AZ was the except one or a charge card or a store card your regular accounts would not have a uti score also giving you AZ.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

14 of 22
7 months ago
Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:14 am
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Dinosaur wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm
Beefy wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:32 pm So here is the kind of change I expect a maxed out card to cause… As I said I was not able to get down to AZEO, but I do not believe the penalty for a maxed card will significantly change. [Quoted post had an image here.] This total UTI represents approximately 7.5%
In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
They do but few(er) accounts reporting and lower uti are also scoring positives AZEO is not required for maximum points only having a uti below 4.499% and few enough accounts reporting to not trigger accounts with balances. With charge cards, store cards, and AU accounts you may require more accounts reporting to avoid AZ penalties. But in hypothetical theory minus caveats AZEO should always be your highest points gain.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

15 of 22
7 months ago
Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:08 pm
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@BrutalBodyShots The point I lost on EQ8 returned today “high revolving balances” negative reason statement present. But No apparent point loss. TU lost the 41 points I mentioned but TU calls it “high credit usage” TU has had a HP in the last 12 months EQ has not… is it possible individual account UTI is only factored on new/seeking credit scorecards? As in beware borrower applied for credit and is maxing cards? Will update when myFICO gets around to finally checking my ex report.
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Re: Data points on 1 maxed out card?

16 of 22
7 months ago
Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:33 am
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Seasoned RebelDinosaur
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Beefy wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:10 am
EvenBetterThanTheRealThing wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 9:03 pm
Dinosaur wrote: Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:24 pm In my past experiences going back more than five years, AZEO knocked my score out of the Fico 8 sweet spot of 850. As soon as I let something report, a month or so later it would return to 850. Also, have read similar findings elsewhere. It was my understanding credit analytics want to see live credit activity not all "0" zeros.
Ok so now you're confusing me a bit...you referenced AZEO but are describing AZ. That has me wondering if you meant to reference all zero or if the 1 card with a balance when you've been AZEO isn't counting for scoring purposes (like some store cards and some credit union cards).
Dino mentioned AZEO dropping their score, this shouldn’t be possible unless other factors are at play. For example using chase as your except one card, and then paying off the balance after statement, chase will always update when your balance hits zero causing you to go from AZEO to AZ, or if you had AU accounts AU has a separate AZ penalty, and finally if the AZ was the except one or a charge card or a store card your regular accounts would not have a uti score also giving you AZ.
No store cards and no AU's. Chase however, has done what you referenced and updated "off cycle" AZEO to AZ.
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