Welcome and thank you for visiting creditrebels.net. We provide a place for members to share their personal credit experiences and financial knowledge via an educational and entertaining platform. And we hope to do so without undue moderation . We believe everyone should have the opportunity to become financially literate, which will allow you to more easily reach your financial goals. We hope to provide the place for members to help each other do exactly that. The site is broken down into 8 major forums, with the last 7 of these being substantive and with the first being for things that don’t fit anywhere else: 1. Rebel Alliance - General Discussion, Garden Party, Technical Help. 2. Credit Remediation (Self-Help Credit Repair) 3. Credit for Beginners 4. Credit Cards (Line of Credit, Home Equity Line of Credit, other Revolvers.) 5. Credit Applications 6. Credit Scoring Analysis 7. Loans 8. Business Credit If you’re a newbie to credit, you’re 18 years old, didn’t start until now, or whatever reason, #3 Credit for Beginners is for you! For posts here, responses will assume you have little or no credit knowledge; so if you post here, do not be offended if responses break it down too far. If you’re posting here, we assume you’re so new that you’re not aware of anything creditwise. If you have some knowledge & you have a question about a score change or about what type of score change to expect from certain action(s): go to the #6 Credit Scoring Analysis forum. If you want to understand how the scoring works, if you wanna understand the theory, if you have data points to contribute, that is the place! But, on the other hand, if you need to know if you have a derogatory or if you can do anything about one: go to #2 Credit Remediation /Self Credit Repair forum to research, solicit advice, and make your own personal credit remediation plan. We try to KISS (keep it super simple), the Credit Scoring Analysis forum is for understanding scoring . The Credit Remediation /Self Help Credit Repair forum is for you to learn more about checking & fixing your own CR . Our theory is: 1. test, analyze, theorize, understand, & learn; then, 2. take action to verify & remediate your CR. There is also Credit Monitoring Services (CMS) , which is for reviews of various credit monitoring services to tell you those that are recommended or not recommended and why. #4. a revolver/CC forum. We broke it down by issuer, so it will be easy to locate data you’re looking for. There’s a discussion sub, so you can compare products or solicit feedback/advice. There is 7. a loan forum. Here we broke it down by product, so that you can solicit other members’ knowledge, experience, and advice regarding these products and whether they are the most appropriate for your situation. And #8 Business Credit for credit cards and loans under a business name. Rebel Alliance is for things that don’t fit anywhere else. New members: 1. Review TOS, prohibited conduct, member conduct, privacy. 2. Familiarize yourself with common abbreviations. 3. Familiarize yourself with ranks. 4. May add a customized profile page with cards, images and badges, if you like. 5. May use the ’@‘ symbol to mention/tag/page members, so they are directed to your posts, assuming their settings allow. 6. Should report inappropriate posts. 7. Know a custom avatar is available at ____ rank. 8. Be aware: CreditRebels is not a credit repair organization and it’s not regulated under the federal Credit Repair Organizations Act nor corresponding state laws. Neither does CreditRebels recommend Credit Repair Organizations. 9. CreditRebels does not provide "credit repair" services or advice or give assistance with your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. All advice and assistance is given by volunteer members to assist members with self help. Advice is not legal advice, & CreditRebels.net does not warrant the accuracy of posts. 10. No registration is required to view the forum, but you must register to post. 11. The ideas, opinions, and viewpoints expressed in CreditRebels.net forums are solely those of its members. CreditRebels.net does not necessarily agree or disagree with, or in any way endorse comments posted to these forums; nor is CreditRebels responsible for the accuracy of the content of posts in the forums or liable for any damages resulting from following recommendations posted by community members on CreditRebels.net forums. 12. Inappropriate posts & material may be edited or removed, and egregious or repeat offenders will be banned from future participation. Posts that are edited should have a notation they have been edited. 13. Moderators manage postings and can also answer questions. 14. Privileges to participate in CreditRebels Forums may be terminated by CreditRebels immediately and without notice for failure to comply with CreditRebels.net policies. 15. Avoid discussion of race, nationality, sex, religion, and politics, please, because they typically lead to arguments. 16. You’ll have the ability to display your scorecards and more & more scoring metrics as time passes in your signature and all kinds of stuff on your profile page hopefully ;)This is a work in development. Thanks Cassie !! 17. PWA is available, see the PWA thread. On iPhone, click to add to home screen. 18. Any and all data, images, transmissions, words, posts, ideas, threads, opinions, or thoughts transmitted to CreditRebels. net becomes property of CreditRebels.net and may be used freely by CreditRebels.net without license. 19. Read CRADIS thread. 20. Read the CRAD CreditRebels.net Applications Database thread 21. Read everything in the welcome sub here. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability Most of the material on CreditRebels.net is posted by third-party participants. Such content is the sole responsibility of the originator of the material. CreditRebels.net is not responsible for this third-party material; nor does it warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement on intellectual property rights, or quality of any material that appears in CreditRebels.net Forums, regardless of who originates the material. Participants understand and agree to bear all risks associated with using or relying on the material. CreditRebels.net will not be liable or responsible in any way for any content in the CreditRebels.net Forums, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the material, or for any losses or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or reliance on any such material. Please read all the announcements in this Welcome subforum of the Credit Alliance forum. We hope you enjoy your time here, and we look forward to facilitating a educational and entertaining experience! CreditRebels.net

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Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:25 pm
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Birdman has been gardening for over 2 years.
Level30 Last INQWednesday, March 2, 2022 Gardening For2 years, 6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 17 minutes Next Level in24 days, 3 hours, and 43 minutes on October 2nd INQ 1yr onThursday, March 2, 2023 INQ 1yr reached1 year, 6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 17 minutes ago INQ 2yr onSaturday, March 2, 2024 INQ 2yr reached6 months, 5 days, 20 hours, and 17 minutes ago
Welcome and thank you for visiting creditrebels.net. We provide a place for members to share their personal credit experiences and financial knowledge via an educational and entertaining platform. And we hope to do so without undue moderation. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to become financially literate, which will allow you to more easily reach your financial goals. We hope to provide the place for members to help each other do exactly that. The site is broken down into 8 major forums, with the last 7 of these being substantive and with the first being for things that don’t fit anywhere else: 1. Rebel Alliance - General Discussion, Garden Party, Technical Help. 2. Credit Remediation (Self-Help Credit Repair) 3. Credit for Beginners 4. Credit Cards (Line of Credit, Home Equity Line of Credit, other Revolvers.) 5. Credit Applications 6. Credit Scoring Analysis 7. Loans 8. Business Credit If you’re a newbie to credit, you’re 18 years old, didn’t start until now, or whatever reason, #3 Credit for Beginners is for you! For posts here, responses will assume you have little or no credit knowledge; so if you post here, do not be offended if responses break it down too far. If you’re posting here, we assume you’re so new that you’re not aware of anything creditwise. If you have some knowledge & you have a question about a score change or about what type of score change to expect from certain action(s): go to the #6 Credit Scoring Analysis forum. If you want to understand how the scoring works, if you wanna understand the theory, if you have data points to contribute, that is the place! But, on the other hand, if you need to know if you have a derogatory or if you can do anything about one: go to #2 Credit Remediation /Self Credit Repair forum to research, solicit advice, and make your own personal credit remediation plan. We try to KISS (keep it super simple), the Credit Scoring Analysis forum is for understanding scoring. The Credit Remediation /Self Help Credit Repair forum is for you to learn more about checking & fixing your own CR. Our theory is: 1. test, analyze, theorize, understand, & learn; then, 2. take action to verify & remediate your CR. There is also Credit Monitoring Services (CMS), which is for reviews of various credit monitoring services to tell you those that are recommended or not recommended and why. #4. a revolver/CC forum. We broke it down by issuer, so it will be easy to locate data you’re looking for. There’s a discussion sub, so you can compare products or solicit feedback/advice. There is 7. a loan forum. Here we broke it down by product, so that you can solicit other members’ knowledge, experience, and advice regarding these products and whether they are the most appropriate for your situation. And #8 Business Credit for credit cards and loans under a business name. Rebel Alliance is for things that don’t fit anywhere else. New members: 1. Review TOS, prohibited conduct, member conduct, privacy. 2. Familiarize yourself with common abbreviations. 3. Familiarize yourself with ranks. 4. May add a customized profile page with cards, images and badges, if you like. 5. May use the ’@‘ symbol to mention/tag/page members, so they are directed to your posts, assuming their settings allow. 6. Should report inappropriate posts. 7. Know a custom avatar is available at ____ rank. 8. Be aware: CreditRebels is not a credit repair organization and it’s not regulated under the federal Credit Repair Organizations Act nor corresponding state laws. Neither does CreditRebels recommend Credit Repair Organizations. 9. CreditRebels does not provide "credit repair" services or advice or give assistance with your credit record, credit history, or credit rating. All advice and assistance is given by volunteer members to assist members with self help. Advice is not legal advice, & CreditRebels.net does not warrant the accuracy of posts. 10. No registration is required to view the forum, but you must register to post. 11. The ideas, opinions, and viewpoints expressed in CreditRebels.net forums are solely those of its members. CreditRebels.net does not necessarily agree or disagree with, or in any way endorse comments posted to these forums; nor is CreditRebels responsible for the accuracy of the content of posts in the forums or liable for any damages resulting from following recommendations posted by community members on CreditRebels.net forums. 12. Inappropriate posts & material may be edited or removed, and egregious or repeat offenders will be banned from future participation. Posts that are edited should have a notation they have been edited. 13. Moderators manage postings and can also answer questions. 14. Privileges to participate in CreditRebels Forums may be terminated by CreditRebels immediately and without notice for failure to comply with CreditRebels.net policies. 15. Avoid discussion of race, nationality, sex, religion, and politics, please, because they typically lead to arguments. 16. You’ll have the ability to display your scorecards and more & more scoring metrics as time passes in your signature and all kinds of stuff on your profile page hopefully ;)This is a work in development. Thanks @Cassie !! 17. PWA is available, see the PWA thread. On iPhone, click to add to home screen. 18. Any and all data, images, transmissions, words, posts, ideas, threads, opinions, or thoughts transmitted to CreditRebels. net becomes property of CreditRebels.net and may be used freely by CreditRebels.net without license. 19. Read CRADIS thread. 20. Read the CRAD CreditRebels.net Applications Database thread 21. Read everything in the welcome sub here. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability Most of the material on CreditRebels.net is posted by third-party participants. Such content is the sole responsibility of the originator of the material. CreditRebels.net is not responsible for this third-party material; nor does it warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement on intellectual property rights, or quality of any material that appears in CreditRebels.net Forums, regardless of who originates the material. Participants understand and agree to bear all risks associated with using or relying on the material. CreditRebels.net will not be liable or responsible in any way for any content in the CreditRebels.net Forums, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in the material, or for any losses or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of or reliance on any such material. Please read all the announcements in this Welcome subforum of the Credit Alliance forum. We hope you enjoy your time here, and we look forward to facilitating a educational and entertaining experience! CreditRebels.net
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  • Score data EQ8-827; TU8-817; EX8-816
    EQ5-751; TI4- 800; EX2-814